Late Tax Returns Watch Video

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Apr 25, 2010

Do you have late or past due tax returns that you need to file? Read More…


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Comments 8

  1. Hi Olga,

    Yes, you can reduce interest and penalties on past due returns through the voluntary disclosure program (VDP), which is part of the CRA. As a Chartered Accountant in Mississauga, I have filed past due tax returns with the VDP and have successfully waived interest and penalties for clients.

  2. I filed my income tax for 2011 late and it was processed March 11th, they had me fill out a validation questionnaire asking for proof that I am the primary caregiver of my children, I didnt have ANY of the supporting documents they were asking for and so the only solution I could think of was getting my social worker to validate that I have my children, and I phoned the CCTB line april 11th and it said I was going to recieve my CCTB, They owe me 10 months worth this april. And I checked my account today and I only received April’s CCTB, do you have any idea why they haven’t sent the remaining 9 months worth of CCTB?

    1. Dear Heather,

      Thank you for your question. It may be because they approved your CCTB from April going forward. The CRA is a large bureaucratic organization and as such, errors do occur. If you believe that the CRA rightfully owes you past 9 months of CCTB, I suggest that you keep contacting the CRA and/or engage in a service of a qualified tax accountant to assist you.

      – Allan and his team

  3. I hadnt done my tax’s in 2 years and just received a validation questionnaire from the CRA about my CCTB payments requesting proof of residency and proof that i am and have been the primary caregiver of my daughter for the past 2 years i can provide doctors notes from my doctor but am unable to obtain my previous lease’s as i have moved 3 times since then, i requested information from my social worker to provide to them but she wont help me, her exact words were “i dont know you. so no” as my case just got transferred to her a month ago (because i moved to a different area) what can i do?

    1. Hi Stephanie,

      We would advise you to contact the CCTB office to determine which documents will be considered valid documents for proof of residency. This document discusses a similar issue –

      Please see Jason’s story on page 10 of the pdf.

      Good luck!

    1. Hi Iylena,

      You will stop receiving the Canada Child Tax Benefit if you do not file your tax return with the CRA. Retroactive payments will be made once you file.


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