Corporate Tax Return

Optimize your tax position regardless of the size of your business!

Whether you are just starting your corporation, thinking of expanding, or already operating in multiple countries, we have just the solution for you.

Our Service

Whether you are the owner of a large corporation or a small recently incorporated business, our experienced accountants have a wide range of experience working with businesses of all sizes. In addition to our comprehensive corporate tax return services, we provide a full range of services for your business including bookkeeping, important notices, and cross-border tax planning. Our tax expertise ensures that your corporate tax returns are filed accurately and comply with all tax laws and regulations, while also taking into account the best tax minimization strategies for your business.

Key Elements of our Corporate Tax Return Services

  • Creation of tax saving strategies to help you and your company save more money
  • Direct access to experienced and professional staff to help you through the process
  • Full range of services including bookkeeping, important notices, compliance and cross-border taxation
  • Financial planning

Why Choose Us?

If you are a small to mid-size businesses, our tax professionals can prepare your corporate tax return.

We will be able to:

1Give you customized tax plan to help you save
2Answer your questions promptly throughout the year
3Prepare and file your return accurately and on time

What we can do for you

T2 Corporate Tax Return

T4 Slip



HST Return

T5 Slip

T3 Family Trust Return

Family Trust Formation

Articles of Amendment


GST 74


T2 Treaty Return

CRA Correspondence

Section 85 Transfer Agreement



Client Testimonial:

I have enjoyed the fortunate experience of having to approach Allan Madan on some advice about P&L and Balance Sheet issues relating to corporation taxes. Without prior knowledge about this organization, I was able to get to their website, pose my questions and get very accurate details on how to resolve my problems. All responses were prompt and to the point and it helped me quickly resolve my problems. There was absolutely no hesitation on Allan’s part to help. I would highly recommend Allan Madan and his organization, to anyone in need of a responsible accounting firm. Check out their website and convince yourself at: - Joseph Pereira

Need more information? Call us at (905) 268-0150

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Comments 27

  1. Hello,

    I am interest in doing a corporate tax return on my own, but after reading your articles, I realize it is pretty complicated. Can you recommend any self-learning resources for theory on corporate tax?

  2. Hello Jeff,

    Corporate tax theory is discussed in detail in most university course textbooks. Personally speaking, the one in the link below has done wonders. It breaks down complex corporate tax concepts into smaller, manageable ideas. Corporate tax certainly is a difficult area, but this textbook does a fantastic job.

  3. Hi Sir
    Can a corporation owner(Owner operator truck driver-single shareholder) consider himself as self employed(or issue T4A) for driving job done for his own company?This will allow shareholder additional deductions in personal tax.

    1. Hi Kuhan, no, he cannot consider himself self-employed. He can either receive a salary (reported on a T4 slip) or dividends (reported on a T5 slip) from his corporation.

  4. Hi Alan,

    If someone as owner of a company(as a company registered in Canada) does research for an individual or company (in this case, they are foreign and they locate in middle east) and earns revenue, in which line should he declare this earning for his company? Does it need any Tform?

    I appreciate if you let me know about it.

    Best Regards
    Note: The company which is located in Middle East is not Canadian and there is no relationship with Canada.

    1. Hi Vahid,

      The revenue should be reported on a T2 Corporate Tax Return, and on GIFI Schedule 125 (attached to the T2 Return). I’m assuming that you have an incorporated company in Canada.

    1. Thank you for reaching out to me.

      Our services and fees are as follows:
      Initial Tax Planning + Corporate Tax Return Preparation – $1,375
      GST/HST Return Preparation – $150
      T5 Slip Preparation (for dividends paid to you) – $100
      Bookkeeping – $50 / hour if we do it or $80 for 1 hour QuickBooks training session
      Disbursements and taxes are extra

  5. Hello,

    I own my own small business. I am not a corporation, but an LLC, with no employees. I am still quite small, but I would like to get on track with filing my small business taxes in the best way possible. Do you support LLC small businesses with annual tax returns? And if yes, what are your fees?

    1. Hi Mallory,
      Thank you for reaching out to me. Please note that in Canada, there is no such entity as an LLC. I believe you mean to say that you are a sole proprietor. I can certainly help you. My services and fees are as follows:

      Tax advice / tax consulting – $110 for 30 minute session
      Personal Tax Return (T1) – $200
      Statement of Business Income & Expenses (Form T2125) – $350
      GST/HST Return – $150

      Disbursements and taxes are extra. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  6. Hello Allan,

    I have an Ontario Corporation that was set up and never used. How do I go about dissolving it?

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Chris,
      You will have to file articles of dissolution. Once you have clearance to dissolve and the articles are approved, you will have to file a FINAL corporate tax return. Before permission to dissolve is granted, all past-due returns must be filed and all outstanding tax balances must be paid.

  7. Hi Madan,

    I run cleaning company in Toronto, and about to start with Employee. Employee will be part timers initially before moving to full time. How can I pay them if they are part timers? let says 20 hours a week. Do you advise on this issue that faces the new small business ? And definitely I am looking for an accountant to do the corporate tax return. I watched the youtube where you talked about the benefits of incorporating your business. Currently I am sole propriertor. I would appreciate if you could give me feedback on the issues.

    1. Hi Tenzin,

      Thank you for contacting me. Full-time and part-time employees are subject to payroll taxes. You can use the CRA’s online payroll deductions calculator to calculate the amount to pay your employee (net of taxes) and the amount of payroll taxes to remit to the CRA each month This is a free tool. OR you can hire an accountant to help you with this.

      I would be pleased to speak to you about my services and how I can help you. To book an appointment with me, please contact my assistant Sade:

  8. Hello I am looking to file corporation taxes for my small business . I wanted to find out what the rates for filling are?

    1. Hi Rabail,
      Thank you for reaching out. Our services and fees are as follows:
      – Initial Tax Planning + Corporate Tax Return Preparation – $1,375
      – HST Return Preparation – $150
      – T5 Slip Preparation (dividends paid to the owner) – $100
      – Bookkeeping – $50 / hour
      – Disbursements and taxes are extra
      Please let me know if you have any questions.

  9. Hi Allan,
    Just watched a few of your tutorial videos and found them very helpful, you did a fantastic job, thanks a lot! One question here, can the business owner claim both salary and dividend? for example, I claim a fixed salary monthly, then claim twice dividends (half year and year end) if there is profits left.
    Also, do you help tax preparation for CCPC in other provinces?

    1. Hi Felix,

      Thank you for your kind words. Yes, your strategy will work. You can pay both salary and dividends to yourself. I work with clients all across Canada and would be pleased to help you. Please send details to me by email:

  10. Hello Allan, I came across your 2016 YouTube video about Small Business deductions and enjoyed watching it. I was curious if these deductions ( such as home based office/mortgage expense) are applicable for incorporated businesses or just for non-corporate entities. I started my e-commerce business as a corporation and will soon be completing my first corporate tax return. Thank you !

  11. Helli Allan,

    I am located in BC and my business is a corporation. Do you do consulting call or Skype call?

    1. Hi Jason,

      Thanks for reaching out. I work with clients all across Canada and the US, including the province of British Columbia. We can speak on the phone or online. To book an appointment, please contact my assistant Navpreet, I look forward to hearing from you.

  12. Hi ,

    I am looking for help and guidance for corporate taxes.
    I am an entrepreneur running a corporation with annual income of around 80k.
    Items that I may need help with is the T2 return and setting up a holding company.
    Please give me an idea of how much your services would cost.


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