How to Use Tax-Loss Selling to Minimize Taxes Watch Video

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Nov 13, 2015

Do you own stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other marketable securities? Read More…


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Comments 4

    1. Hi Aurelien,

      No, I do not recommend this because income earned inside a RRSP is not subject to taxation. Tax loss selling makes sense when you have realized gains from the sale of non registered investments.

  1. I have a question for you. I went through a divorce 17 years ago. But my assets were never split up. My ex-wife is asking for capital losses that I had 17 years ago. Is she entitled to any of my capital losses. And if she is what percentage is she entitled to.I had approximately $38,000 in capital losses in 2001. What do, I do thank you Joseph

    1. Hi Joseph, if she did not own the property (which resulted in capital losses), and did not report her share of the capital losses at the time they were incurred, then she is not entitled to them.


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