Reducing Tax with Corporate Life Insurance Watch Video

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Oct 9, 2015

Business owners looking to save tax, and protect their assets should read this. Read More…


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Comments 2

  1. 1. Which organization/business is not required to submit HST/GST return [For Example: Legal Service business, torturing, etc.] I need full list and a section of the ITA.
    2. So far I know None for profit and charitable organization do not submit the HST return rather they claim HST rebate [5X 50%=2.5+8X 82% =6. 56, Total 9.06% remaining charged to purchase. My question what is rule for only “NPO” and “Charity and NPO”. I know more than 40% revenue should be government funded. Is this correct? If correct its applied for NPO” and “Charity and NPO” or both?
    3. Self employed income split to the children. Is there any age restriction about the children age? Logically, I believe 5-10 ages are minor. Can income split allowed for them? ITA reference required. I paid to child age between 8-10, child labor question may be arise.

    I am waiting for your reply,
    Atiqur Rahman

    1. Hi Atiq,

      It’s allowable to pay a salary to a minor, so long as the minor is of legal age to work in the province where he/she resides. There should be an employment agreement to support the nature of the work that the minor is doing. Also, the wage paid should be reasonable.


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