Top Tax Savings Strategies Webinar

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Mar 19, 2024

Did you miss our webinar for our top tax saving strategies? We have recorded the session and you can still catch it here! In this Webinar we review our top tax saving strategies that you should take advantage of before the end of 2015.

The following topics are discussed in this webinar

1. Trudeau’s tax rate changes for top 1% and middle class – how it affects you
2. Year-end bonus planning
3. Paying dividends to owner-managers by year-end
4. Income splitting with spouse
5. Tax loss selling by Dec 24
6. Employer provided stock options
7. Selling assets & stocks with accrued gains

We also conducted a Q&A session at the end to answer your inquiries.
If you wish to view the slides of the session, click here.


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