Real Estate Trends to Rule 2014

Millennials are not driving the market as much as homeowners Although the Millennial generation has formed a hot topic in the media, the movers and shakers of real estate are keen to find out where the generation is heading to. The generation has indulged in various economic activities, in the real estate market, in certain … Continue reading Real Estate Trends to Rule 2014

US Taxes Payable by Canadians on US Real Estate Sales

Following the crash of the real estate market in 2008, US real estate has been an attractive investment opportunity for investors from all over the world, including Canadians. Although the old adage of “real estate prices always go up” has been proven wrong, one of the major benefits of owning real property is still the … Continue reading US Taxes Payable by Canadians on US Real Estate Sales

The Best Property Managers Are Accomplished Jugglers

Even though real estate investing is not the “cash cow” that some promoters would have you believe it is, rental properties can provide a careful investor with a very nice income stream and a solid real estate portfolio. Real Estate Investing for Dummies has a “Cheat Sheet” that provides some proven tips for success. Becoming … Continue reading The Best Property Managers Are Accomplished Jugglers

New Year Prediction for Property Sale in Canada

The Prairie sales forecast is also on the rise. Alberta and British Columbia are the provinces according to CREA, where its annual sales will supposedly rise as compared to the previous year. Prediction for National Activity: Next year, 2014, will witness national activity reach 465,600 units with a 3.5% rebound while keeping within its average … Continue reading New Year Prediction for Property Sale in Canada

Non-Residents Earning Rental Income from Real Estate in Canada

Non Residents of Canada earning rental income from Canadian real estate have Canadian tax obligations. This article identifies the different forms and returns that can be or are mandatory to be filed with the CRA regarding the rental income earned. Background When non-residents receive rental income from real property in Canada, taxes on the income … Continue reading Non-Residents Earning Rental Income from Real Estate in Canada

Real Estate Sales & Taxation

If you own a rental property or a real estate investment in Canada, and have sold or are thinking of selling, then it is very important that you read this article because it provides helpful tax tips that can save you $$$ thousands.

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