Tax Saving Strategies for Small Business Owners and Households Watch Video

Small business owners with families can utilize a number of different tax savings strategies

Secret Tax Credits for Canadians Watch Video

There are hidden and secret tax credits for Canadians that can reduce your tax bill significantly.

Mobile Accounting Apps for Small Businesses Watch Video

Businesses and consumers are rapidly adopting the use of mobile phones and apps in their everyday lives.

Christmas Savings Tips Watch Video

Christmas and the winter holidays are both fun and expensive at the same time.

Property Management Tips for Real Estate Investors Watch Video

My name is Allan Madan, your trusted accountant.  I am also a real estate investor

How to Minimize Taxes on Your Salary and Wages Watch Video

What if you are told that you can save money in taxes even if you are a salaried individual? Sounds good?

Tax Strategies for Newlyweds Watch Video

This short article is called tax tips for newlyweds. If you recently got married and have a hangover

Top 5 Misconceptions and Myths About Canadian Taxes for Non-Residents Watch Video

This short article is called ‘Canadian Taxes for Non Residents and the Top Five Myths’.

How to Prepare GIFI – Tax Financial Statements for T2 Watch Video

Are you a do-it-yourself kind of person, and want to prepare the T2 Corporate Tax Return on your own?

How to Prepare Financial Statements Watch Video

In this article called, “How to Prepare Financial Statements”,

Legal Ways to Reduce Business Taxes in Canada Watch Video

This short article will take you through the best legitimate methods to save business taxes in Canada.

Filing Back Tax Returns for U.S. Citizens Living in Canada Watch Video

This short article is called ‘Filing Back Tax Returns for US Citizens Living in Canada’

How Canadians Should Own U.S. Real Estate Watch Video

This article is called “How Canadians Should Own US Real Estate” and going through it is bound to help

The Best Financial Stress Relieving Strategies by Allan Madan Watch Video

Being self-employed can be great. You can have the opportunity to work from home, create your own success

Small Business Deductions – BNN Interview with Allan Madan Watch Video

Watch this short interview with Allan Madan on small business deductions.

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