HST for businesses in Ontario by Accountant Mississauga Oakville Watch Video

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Dec 8, 2010

What is the HST for businesses in Ontario? If you are a business owner, Read More…


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Comments 5

  1. This was very helpful…even years later! Just understanding the very basics all over again is a good way to explain to customers when we are explaining taxes etc. Keep up with the great videos!!!

  2. Looking to have an HST rebate filed with CRA for thebpurchas3 of a new home. Fislrat do you file theae types of returns (purchased from a builder in Toronto)? Any idea of your fees and tineline for completing the filing?

    1. Hi Darlene,

      Did you acquire a new property from a builder for the purpose of renting it to a tenant? If yes, then you can apply for an HST rebate. My fee to prepare the HST Rebate Application is $450 + disbursements and taxes, and the turnaround time is 2 weeks. If you would like further information, please send an email to me. My email address is amadan@madanca.com


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