What are the tax benefits of a holding company? Watch Video

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Aug 26, 2014

Are you wondering what are the tax benefits of a holding company? Read More…


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Comments 2

  1. Hi Allan,

    Could you please tell me how to set up a holding company? same as to set up an incorporation? or any difference?

    If I add my family members as shareholders in the holding company, should I hire a lawyer to prepare any legal documents and handle legal issues for each shareholder?


    1. Hi Jack,

      Thanks for contacting me. A holding company is not a legal term, but refers to a corporation that owns the shares of another corporation. You can incorporate a holding corporation yourself, but it’s best to hire a professional accountant to properly set it up. Whoever you hire, please ensure that the following incorporation documents are prepared:

      * Certificate and articles of incorporation
      * Corporate by-laws
      * Minute book
      * Officers, shareholders, and directors registers
      * Share certificates
      * Share transfer ledger
      * Directors resolutions

      See http://madanca.com/services/corporate-and-business-tax/incorporating/ for additional information on the incorporation services that our accounting firm offers


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