TJ (anonymous) MadanCA Team edited answer

Emigrant tax return, Principal Residence transferred to son, Son in Canada. Issues?

Senior Couple Departed Canada in April, 2021 for India. India & Canada do have a tax treaty. Intention was to go back & forth between both countries. But both of us developed serious health issues – so both can’t come back to Canada anymore, due to Cardiologist and Neurologist advice. How do we clear this nightmare now with CRA voluntarily with minimum penalties & interest for both us & my son. We are 82 & 88 with severe health issues and stressed due to all this. Any help is highly appreciated!

Had a principal residence semi detached house in Canada. Just 1 house , no other house in Canada or anywhere else. Did not file a Departure tax return. Bought in 2000 for $ 220,000/- and lived in it since 2000 till date of departure. Never rented it. Was always occupied by us.

2. Bought a house in overseas country in July, 2021. Son & wife sold their condo in March, 2021. And came to live with us. We departed in April, 2021.

3. In August, 2022 transferred our house in Canada to our son & Daughter in law, who lives in Canada in our house for $ 1. FMV of the home was probably $ 900,000 in August 2022. He had a Condo, which he sold in March 2021 & moved in with us. We left Canada in April, 2021. Son/DIL were living in the house for 1 year, when it was transferred to him for $1.

4. Been filing as a resident of Canada since 2021. OAS, CPP and Canadian bank interest are our only source of income.No withholding tax was held on OAS, CPP & Canadian bank interest.

5. Do I have to pay Capital Gains tax on the principal residence now? As we left in April, 2021 and house was transferred 1 year later in August, 2022 to our son & DIL for $1.

6.Does Principal Residence Exemption apply in this case?

Does the + 1 year rule apply to us to claim PRE?

Or some reduced Capital Gains tax apply to us? Like pay Capital Gains tax for only 1 year from 2021 (date of departure) to 2022 (date of transfer to the son) on some pro rated basis?


The fact that it was transferred for $1 , how does that affect us who are overseas now, and our son who is in Canada? FMV of the home was probably $ 900,000 in 2022 the year of transfer for $1. Bought for $ 220,000 in 2000 year.

What are the tax issues now both for us & our son

8. Form 2091 and Schedule 3 was filled by us in 2022. $1 was shown .

9. But no certificate of compliance, clearance certificate was obtained from CRA.

No 25% withholding tax was held back.as transfer was between parents and son/Daughter in law for $1.

How much trouble are we in now? How do we rectify this situation? How much taxes do we owe now, if any?

Any good CPA in GTA, especially MISSISSAUGA who can help us clear this mess?

Son is willing to sell the house transferred to him for $1 and go back to renting in case there is a huge tax bill, interest and penalty for him & us.

We can also sell our condo overseas which we got in July, 2021 and rent overseas to cover any tax liability we might have from this huge mistake.

Just need to get a ball park figure of how much we might owe CRA.
