Would It Be Better For Tax Purposes To Register Multiple Online Stores Under One Corporation Or As Individual Businesses?

I am wanting to start an online webstore and open more in the near future. Would it be better to register each as an individual business or register each separately? I would like to get this started right the first time rather than having to backtrack and correct it in the future.

How can double taxation be avoided for corporations

A group of Canadian investors are looking to purchase, renovate, and resell properties in the US under a corporate entity, what corporate structure will ensure no double taxation and should the corporation be a US or Canadian one?

Earning U.S. Dollars Living in Canada

My wife and I have recently moved from Los Angeles to Ontario. I am currently self-employed and earning USD from a US-based company, and will soon be looking for a tax professional to ensure we take all possible steps to ensure we comply with both US and Canadian tax requirements (and ideally come out ahead).

What is required for cross border shipping within a business?

I came across your site and articles on the internet and hope that I found someone that can help me. We are in the process of launching our ecommerce site and will be drop shipping products within Canada and the US and recently been asked my one of my vendors for our federal I.D #. … Continue reading What is required for cross border shipping within a business?

Personal Canada and US tax

I am living half year in US and half year in Canada, I am Canada Citizen and US Green Card, have permanent residence in both countries, what i know is that as a green card holder, I have to file my global income in US, but seems I am also a Canada tax resident, and … Continue reading Personal Canada and US tax

Prior year adjustments

Hi We are a small corporation with no employees (incorporated Aug, 2013/ year end 31 Dec). We had an accountant doing our taxes for the past two years. Some of our expense and balance sheet accounts from the FY13/FY14 are not correctly stated. The net impact on income/loss is minimal, if at all. I am … Continue reading Prior year adjustments

Can I work remotely while I am visiting the States -while I am Canadian with a Canadian Job?

I’m considering visiting a friend in the USA for 6 months and am a Canadian with a Canadian job. I want to work remotely while I’m there visiting in the USA. I will still be paid into my Canadian bank account an plan to return. Is there anything I need to do?

Reporting Non-US income on US tax returns

I worked in US from January 2015 to October 2015 on a non-immigrant visa. I move to Canada in November 2015 on a temporary work permit. Do I need to report my Canadian income (Nov-Dec 2015) on my US tax returns for 2015. Please note that I am not a permanent resident of either US … Continue reading Reporting Non-US income on US tax returns

Required docs to file taxes

I own bar outside Ottawa and i want to know what are the documents i need to gather so i can manage my account and file for taxes step by step please ?

Better to be incorporated or sole proprietorship? Canadian working mostly in USA

I am a software consultant and I am incorporated, Ontario Canada. Just me as an employee. I live in Ottawa Canada but travel to the USA from Monday to Thursdays . 80% Revenue when I am in the USA and about 20% revenue working from home in Canada or other Canadian clients/customers. I am over … Continue reading Better to be incorporated or sole proprietorship? Canadian working mostly in USA

What’s considered a fixed office/permanent establishment address in the U.S. and will it be subjected to 30% withholding tax

My company is small and incorporated with no employees. I am required to get an EIN number to sell on Sears’ website. I also need a U.S. address if there are returns, which my sister-in-law has provided me with. Is it considered a fixed office (permanent establishment) address in the U.S.? Would I be subjected … Continue reading What’s considered a fixed office/permanent establishment address in the U.S. and will it be subjected to 30% withholding tax

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