RC1 Checklist - Request for Business Number

To help you assemble the information needed to apply for your Canadian Business Number, complete this checklist.

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General InformationQuestionnaire (Please answer the following)

What is your Ownership type?

(Please Choose one)

a. Individual
b. Partnership
c. Trust
d. Corporation
e. Other (Please specify)

Owner’s Information:

(Kindly provide the following for each owner)

Social Insurance Number (SIN):
First Name and Last Name:

Business Information:

(Kindly provide the following)

Business Name (Legal Name):
Operating/Trade Name:
Address of Business :
Mailing Address (if different from business address):
Questionnaire (Please answer the following on a separate document)

1) Describe your major business activity with as much detail as possible.

2) Indicate if you are a listed financial Institution or selected listed financial institution for GST/HST purposes resident in Canada.

3) Specify up to three main products or services that you provide and the estimated percentage of the revenue they each represent.

4) What are your total sales in Canada? What are your total worldwide sale?

5) Do you want to make an election to use your Corporation’s fiscal year-end for GST/HST purposes? If YES, enter the date you would like to use, if NO, December 31 will be used.

6) How often will you pay your employees? What is the maximum number of employees you expect to have working for you at any time in the next 12 months?

7) Is your corporation a subsidiary or affiliate of a foreign corporation?

8) Are you a franchisee?

9) Please provide us with a copy of your certificate of incorporation or amalgamation.


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