Transferring Business to Family Member in Canada Watch Video

As a baby-boomer coming close to retirement, you may consider transferring your business

Tax Strategies for Physicians in Canada Watch Video

Are you a physician or medical doctor who ncludings tired of getting beat down by the taxman?

Top Tax Saving Strategies for Small Businesses Webinar Watch Video

If you missed our Webinar for Top Tax Saving Strategies for small businesses, you can watch it here!

How the 2016 Budget Could Affect CCPCs in Canada Watch Video

Canadian-Controlled Private Companies (CCPCs) currently enjoy a low business federal tax rate of 10.5%

How can I get tax free benefits from my corporation? Watch Video

Do you own a small corporation in Canada? Did you know that you could receive tax-free benefits


TAXATION Crowdfunding is a new way to raise money; however, be careful of the tax implications. One of the latest means of raising money to start a new business, raise operating funds, or tackle costly research and development projects is to make a broad-based appeal for funds with crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is not new; it was … Continue reading Crowdfunding

The Rise of Transfer Pricing Disputes

The Rise of Transfer Pricing Disputes Many multinational companies are using techniques to either avoid or lower their taxes by taking advantage of the fact they have a parent company or subsidiaries in other countries. The CRA, IRS, and other tax authorities are auditing taxpayers with greater scrutiny in regards to transfer pricing issues so … Continue reading The Rise of Transfer Pricing Disputes

Benefits of Incorporating Your Business Using Section 85 Watch Video

Are you self-employed? If yes, you may want to think about eventually turning your business into a corporation.

Should I Declare a Year-End Bonus or Pay Dividends from Company Profits to Myself? Watch Video

With the end of the year approaching, business owners must make important decisions quickly to reduce

Why Canada Needs Corporate Tax Reform

Much of the political rhetoric surrounding the Liberal Party’s win in the Canadian Federal election was centred on this notion of ‘change’, a promise of progressive changes that Canada needs in order to escape from the shadows of its Conservative predecessor. While looming issues such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Trans Pacific … Continue reading Why Canada Needs Corporate Tax Reform

2015 Canadian Federal Election and Taxes Watch Video

With the Canadian Federal Election coming up,

Reducing Tax with Corporate Life Insurance Watch Video

Business owners looking to save tax, and protect their assets should read this.

How to Reduce Taxes on Earn-Outs in Canada Watch Video

Earn-outs can be an effective way to earn additional money from the sale of your business based

How to Reduce Corporate Tax with Inter-Corporate Management Fees Watch Video

Inter-corporate management fees can be an effective method to reduce overall corporate tax of a corporate group

Tax on Related Party Transactions Watch Video

If you own multiple corporations by yourself or with family members,

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