How to Setup your Family Trust in Canada

Many Canadian business owners are advised to form a Family Trust in Canada considering its many advantages, in particular saving taxes. However, very few business owners are aware of the steps required to actually form a family trust. This article will cover: (A) How a family trust operates and (B) The steps needed to establish … Continue reading How to Setup your Family Trust in Canada

Why You Should Not Outsource Business Accounting Services in Mississauga / Toronto

Today, companies are outsourcing to lower cost countries such as India and China.  The question is: “Should your Company outsource business accounting services?” Argument for Outsourcing Business Accounting Services in Mississauga or Toronto The argument for outsourcing business accounting services is that it is less expensive to perform these services in Indian and China than … Continue reading Why You Should Not Outsource Business Accounting Services in Mississauga / Toronto

Ten Ways A Chartered Accountant Can Hurt Your Business / or Lose Your Money

Just like a bad investment advisor can hurt your stock portfolio, an inexperienced Chartered Accountant can hurt your business or lose your money.  How do you know if you’re safe?To help you answer this question, I’ve compiled a list of “10 Ways a Chartered Accountant Can Hurt Your Business or Lose Your Money.”  This article … Continue reading Ten Ways A Chartered Accountant Can Hurt Your Business / or Lose Your Money

Chartered Accountant Oakville – Top Tax Savings Strategies

If you are tired of paying too much in tax, then please take advantage of my top tax savings strategies, which I have compiled over the years while working as a Chartered Accountant in Oakville.

Saving Taxes for Canadians

As an Accounting Firm in Toronto, we are committed to helping everyday Canadians and businesses save on taxes.

5 Tax Saving Secrets for Canadians

As an accountant in Toronto and tax expert in the region, I am focused on saving taxes for Canadians – individuals and business owners. Here is just a sample of secrets to saving taxes for Canadians, which the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) doesn’t want you to know:

Affordable Tax Returns

Are you tired of paying large fees to your accountant for preparing your personal or business tax return? If you answered yes, then this article is for you. There are a few easy things that you can do to make sure you don’t get struck with a big accounting bill:

5 Reasons Why Poor Business Accounting Services Hurt Company Profits

Poor business accounting services can really hurt your company’s bottom-line. So what is that you can do as a business owner to make sure this doesn’t happen? there are many reasons why poor business accounting services hurt company profits. If you follow the 5 best business accounting practices below, your company will be on the … Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Poor Business Accounting Services Hurt Company Profits

Expert Accounting Tips by Allan Madan (Accountant Milton)

Allan Madan is an experienced professional accountant and tax expert in Milton, Ontario, Canada. Below, he shares his top 5 extremely helpful accounting tips for your small business. 1. Keep accurate records, says Chartered Accountant Milton Accurate books and records are essential for any business. By having an accurate set of books and records you … Continue reading Expert Accounting Tips by Allan Madan (Accountant Milton)

Tax Seminar for Accountants & Bookkeepers

On February 17, 2010, I held a tax seminar for accountants and bookkeepers entitled “Taxation for Accountants & Bookkeepers.” The seminar was a great success with over 35 accountants in the Greater Toronto area in attendance. You can download a copy of the handouts provided at the seminar: Taxation for Accountants & Bookkeepers

Tax Evasion-Professional Tax Accountant Toronto

Tax evasion is a serious criminal offence and can result in imprisonment. Yet, many taxpayers continue to under report income or claim erroneous tax deductions. If you’re worried that you may be in this situation, there are options available that thankfully don’t involve prison. As a Tax accountant in Toronto, I will share these options … Continue reading Tax Evasion-Professional Tax Accountant Toronto

Chartered Accountant Toronto – Why Do You Need One?

If you’re a business owner, I strongly recommend that you hire a Chartered Accountant Toronto. Chartered Accountant Toronto can provide you with valuable insight into the profitability, financial strength and operations of your business. Chartered Accountant Toronto – Financial Statements As a business owner, you should be regularly reviewing your company’s financial statements with your … Continue reading Chartered Accountant Toronto – Why Do You Need One?

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