What You Should Know About Transfer Pricing Watch Video

Does your company do business with related foreign companies?

Tax Implications of Crowdfunding Watch Video

Corporate class funds can be a very tax-efficient investment vehicle, particularly in Canada.

Electronic Gadgets Your Business Should Be Deducting Watch Video

Many small business owners do not realize that a large majority of electronic gadgets and equipments

Asset Capitalization Process and Tax Credits – An illustrative example of a Manufacturing Environment

A tax incentive for Canadian manufacturers is accelerated depreciation of manufacturing assets and corporations can maximize via a true valuation of its capital asset. In this sequel we quantitatively highlight how accurate asset capitalization involves your engineer and accountant. Example Consider a fictional Canadian corporation, ABC with the following simplified expense. Over two year period, … Continue reading Asset Capitalization Process and Tax Credits – An illustrative example of a Manufacturing Environment

Technological Development and Asset Capitalization – Bringing the Engineer and Accountant under a single roof!

Is your business in the process of developing or modifying an acquired technology? This can be machinery, electronic hardware or a software product that needs to be customized. Your end result is a new valuable asset that you own and brings long-term economic utility. In this path, we recognize two costing aspects: (i) isolating development … Continue reading Technological Development and Asset Capitalization – Bringing the Engineer and Accountant under a single roof!

Why Does Your Corporation Need a Minute Book? Watch Video

Do you own a corporation? Why does your corporation need a minute book?

Claiming R&D tax Credits – Uncertainty, advancement and Developing a SR&ED Thought Process

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) is a generous government incentive program to aid Canadian business that promote in house research and development activities. Eligible businesses can benefit from refundable and/or non-refundable tax credits. Depending on your overall corporations tax scenario, you could receive cash and/or tax credits, which can be used to either, offset … Continue reading Claiming R&D tax Credits – Uncertainty, advancement and Developing a SR&ED Thought Process

Why You Should Use Your Personal Vehicle for Business Use Watch Video

Has your company offered to pay for your vehicle expenses as a taxable benefit?

Are Website Costs Tax Deductible? Watch Video

E commerce has taken the business world by storm. It is evident that creating a website

Are Meal Allowances Tax Deductible On Business Travels Watch Video

Are you an employer who is wondering if meal allowances are tax-deductible?

5 Tax Scams That Every Small Business Owner Should Know Watch Video

Every small business owner should beware of the tax frauds that are preying on their business.

Apprentice Job Creation Tax Credit

TAXATION Receive an investment tax credit by hiring apprentices to replace your retiring workers. The potential retirement of the Baby Boomers is creating a gap in many trades that will have to be filled by inexperienced trainees. Companies whose success depends on the employment of highly skilled workers should be looking at their growth strategy … Continue reading Apprentice Job Creation Tax Credit

How Corporations are Taxed on Dividends Received Watch Video

In this blog, I will explain how corporations are taxed on dividends received.

2014 Year End Tax Tips for Business Owners

As part of our ongoing efforts to better engage and provide value to our clients, we regularly conduct informational tax webinars. Our webinar on February 20, 2015 focused on year end tax tips for business owners. Some of the topics covered in this webinar included:

Tax Implications of Mergers in Canada

Tax Implications of Mergers Mergers and amalgamations encompass a broad range of transactions. Their tax issues vary depending on a number of factors, including: whether the target company is public or private, whether the target is a resident or non-resident of Canada, impact of the year-end of both companies, application of capital and non-capital losses, … Continue reading Tax Implications of Mergers in Canada

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