Accounting Services for Various Company Sectors

Accounting is the broad term related to each and every monetary sector (public or private) which measures, processes as well as communicates the financial information about economic entities. It is generally known as “language of business” that measures result of an organization’s economic activities for conveying the information to various users like investors, managers, creditors, … Continue reading Accounting Services for Various Company Sectors

Tax credits for Hamilton’s manufacturing & processing firms.

SR&ED Tax Credit Program Manufacturing and processing companies that have qualified expenditures  related to research and development activities may be eligible for the very lucrative scientific  research & experimental development tax credit.  Incorporated Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC) can generally claim an investment tax credit (ITC) of 35%, a 100% refund on qualified SR&ED current expenditures … Continue reading Tax credits for Hamilton’s manufacturing & processing firms.

How to Setup your Family Trust in Canada

Many Canadian business owners are advised to form a Family Trust in Canada considering its many advantages, in particular saving taxes. However, very few business owners are aware of the steps required to actually form a family trust. This article will cover: (A) How a family trust operates and (B) The steps needed to establish … Continue reading How to Setup your Family Trust in Canada

Mobile Accounting Apps for Small Businesses

Businesses and consumers are rapidly adopting the use of mobile phones and apps in their everyday lives.  In fact, most core business functions, including accounting, will ALL be run my mobile apps within the next 10 years. This video tells you about the top mobile accounting apps for small businesses.  Please watch, so that you’re … Continue reading Mobile Accounting Apps for Small Businesses

Reasons to avoid outsourcing accounting in Mississauga.

Today, companies are outsourcing to lower cost countries such as India and China.  The question is: “Should your Company outsource business accounting services?” Argument for Outsourcing Business Accounting Services in Mississauga or Toronto The argument for outsourcing business accounting services is that it is less expensive to perform these services in Indian and China than … Continue reading Reasons to avoid outsourcing accounting in Mississauga.

How a chartered accountant can harm your business finances.

Just like a bad investment advisor can hurt your stock portfolio, an inexperienced Chartered Accountant can hurt your business or lose your money.  How do you know if you’re safe?To help you answer this question, I’ve compiled a list of “10 Ways a Chartered Accountant Can Hurt Your Business or Lose Your Money.”  This article … Continue reading How a chartered accountant can harm your business finances.

How to Prepare Financial Statements

In this article called, “How to Prepare Financial Statements”, I am going to walk you through, step by step, how to prepare financial statements for your business or corporation.

Best Financial Stress-Relief Strategies

Being self-employed can be great. You can have the opportunity to work from home, create your own success, acquire the rewards personally and most importantly, be your own boss. However, a common problem faced by independent contractors is the failure to stay on top of their finances.

Accounting Tips for Small Business Owners

If you own a small business in Canada, then you must read this article. As an Accountant in Mississauga and Oakville, I will share the best accounting tips that will put your business on the path to financial success.

Tax-saving strategies from Oakville chartered accountant.

If you are tired of paying too much in tax, then please take advantage of my top tax savings strategies, which I have compiled over the years while working as a Chartered Accountant in Oakville.

Saving Taxes for Canadians

As an Accounting Firm in Toronto, we are committed to helping everyday Canadians and businesses save on taxes.

5 Tax Saving Secrets for Canadians

As an accountant in Toronto and tax expert in the region, I am focused on saving taxes for Canadians – individuals and business owners. Here is just a sample of secrets to saving taxes for Canadians, which the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) doesn’t want you to know:

The Best Accounting Practices

Every business owner knows that there are 4 pillars that make and keep a business successful: Marketing, Innovation, Management and Accounting. As a part of the experienced accountants in Oakville I have found that many business owners overlook or pay less attention to the accounting aspect of their business, despite it being a vital success … Continue reading The Best Accounting Practices

Cost-effective accounting alternatives to major firms.

The big 4 accounting firms, Deloitte, KPMG, Pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC), and Ernst and Young (E&Y), tend to be more expensive than local accounting firms in Toronto.

Affordable Tax Returns

Are you tired of paying large fees to your accountant for preparing your personal or business tax return? If you answered yes, then this article is for you. There are a few easy things that you can do to make sure you don’t get struck with a big accounting bill:

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