Life Insurance for TAX Savings

This article discusses details on how you will be able to use investments in life insurance to secure higher returns on investment (ROI), and potentially reduce tax. To harness the power of maximizing ROI and tax savings, it is important to understand exactly how life insurance and taxation of those life insurance policies work. The … Continue reading Life Insurance for TAX Savings

Setting up an Immigration Trust for New Canadians

Canadian residents for tax purposes are subject to Canadian tax on income earned on worldwide assets. As such, immigrants of Canada must consider the tax consequences of their relocation. The CRA has many opportunities for new immigrants that will help with their tax burdens. One of the more important plans that the CRA provides is … Continue reading Setting up an Immigration Trust for New Canadians

Taxability of gifts to family members clarified.

Taxation on gifts to family members can be tricky. Usually the recipient does not have to pay taxes but the person who gives the gift might face personal taxes. There are a couple of tips that you can take to minimize or avoid taxes such as not giving gifts that can increase in value.

Lower Your Tax Bill: Income Splitting with Your Spouse

So you want to know how can I lower my tax bill by income splitting with my spouse? Income splitting with a spouse is a very effective technique to reduce overall household tax liability. Some options within this technique involves letting the higher income spouse pay for all the house hold bills which frees the lower … Continue reading Lower Your Tax Bill: Income Splitting with Your Spouse

Tax-free benefits available from your workplace.

What tax-free benefits can I get from my workplace? Employees can receive benefits from their workplace and employers that are completely tax-free. Some common benefits include a loan from an employer to buy a home, medical and dental benefits, non-cash gifts, as well as education and training related costs.

Am I Eligible to Deduct Home-Office Expenses?

So you are probably asking yourself can I deduct home-office expenses? Those who run a home office and use a portion of their home as a designated office space are eligible to claim relevant tax deductions. The primary condition is that the home must be your primary place of business.

How to Prevent Paying Car Tax

If you use a vehicle for work and would like to avoid paying tax on it. It is important that you do not pay for those related expenses through your business account. Rather, you should pay for it out of your personal account. This way it becomes a taxable benefit for you on your personal … Continue reading How to Prevent Paying Car Tax

What are employee expenses?

Are you an employee looking to save on taxes? Did you know there are deductions that might be available to you? As far as deductions go, you have probably about small businesses and corporations. A business owner or corporation can deduct any reasonable expense incurred in the when earning income.  Unfortunately, there is not as … Continue reading What are employee expenses?

Understanding advanced tax rulings and interpretations.

Are you entering a business deal, but are unsure of any tax effects it may trigger? If you are, you should consider both the cost and benefit of requesting an income tax ruling and an interpretation. In this article, I will provide you with further information on this complex topic so you can make an … Continue reading Understanding advanced tax rulings and interpretations.

Reducing your risk of a tax audit: effective tips.

Do you want to learn how to reduce the risk of being tax audited? Tax audits are a legitimate concern for everyone. However, your risk can be greatly reduced by avoiding key audit triggers such as reporting consecutive years of business losses and making high expense claims. Additionally, you should also ensure that you have supporting … Continue reading Reducing your risk of a tax audit: effective tips.

Tax return guidelines for deceased taxpayers in Canada.

Filing tax returns for deceased in Canada In life, it is said that the only two certain things are death and taxes. While both of these may be inevitable, tax penalties due to incorrect actions are not. Have you been named someone’s legal representative, but are unsure of what to do? Let Allan Madan Chartered … Continue reading Tax return guidelines for deceased taxpayers in Canada.

Personal Tax Saving Advice for Mississauga Residents

Interview with Justin Goulet This is news director Justin Goulet and I am here in the studio with Allan Madan, Chartered Accountant. The tax season is upon is so he is going to give you some helpful tips to survive this season. Justin: Allan, how are you today? Allan: I am doing well Justin, and … Continue reading Personal Tax Saving Advice for Mississauga Residents


WHY CANADIANS SHOULD START PLANNING THEIR FINANCES As Canadians, many of us may know the importance of preparing our finances for the future. However, it is a topic that is most dreaded. The idea of financial planning may get pushed into the back of our minds and forgotten about, only appearing around tax season. When … Continue reading FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR CANADIANS: STARTING EARLY, STARTING SMART

Personal tax return filing tips for 2014.

Are you looking for tips for filing 2014 personal tax return They include maximizing eligible personal tax credits, filing a tax return despite having low or zero income, reporting all T-Slips, and transferring all unused credits to your spouse.

Top 4 Celebrity Tax Cheats

The list for celebrity tax evaders goes on and on with some owing as much as millions in unpaid taxes. Some of the biggest celebrity culprits include Martha Stewart, Pete Rose, Marc Anthony and Willie Nelson.

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