Real Estate Investments Mississauga
Allan Madan, CPA, CA

Eric Skicki grew up in Mississauga and has been passionate about the real estate industry since he was a child. He furthered his passion and consolidated his love for this city by practicing real estate investment in Mississauga. His Degree from York University and his management experience from running successful businesses, has helped him become the successful real estate agent he is today. His relentless customer service towards his clients and his undisputed knowledge about real estate in Mississauga renders him the perfect candidate for this interview.
Today Madan Chartered Accountant will ask Eric about the real estate industry and ways to make your real estate investment more profitable.
Eric Skicki – Real Estate Professional
How did you get into this business?
I actually got into this business because I started investing into my own condos actually. I started back in 2009, there was a bunch of condos which I saw were opportunities to invest into and basically that was before I was even an agent. I ended up purchasing into a certain project which I did really well on. From there I saw an opportunity to get into real estate and to help my family and friends also prosper in the same way I did.
What is your prediction for the real estate market in 2014?
Well we exclusively focus on the square one area. So what I could say is that for 2014, I’m predicting a moderate price growth of around 2 percent per year. That said, it is still a great time investors simply because the market is very stable unlike parts of the world.
What are the key factors for real estate investment in Canada?
Three factors in which every buyer should focus is definitely number one being location. You definitely want to be in a good location. You can change many aspects of any property but one aspect you can never change is its physical location. Number two, you want to focus on the potential room for growth. You want to buy in an area in which the prices have historically gone up, year over year and there is still potential for future growth compare to other markets nearby. Finally, you want make sure you’re working with an agent who works in that area to make sure you get your best value for your dollar when buying.
What are the three “hot spots” for investment right now?
Like I said earlier, we exclusively focus on the square one area. With that having said, there are two great builders that are building a substantial amount of condos both in the City Centre area. One of them being Pinnacle and the other being Amacon. So in terms of preconstruction, those are the two you definitely want to focus on and in terms of resale, I would recommend any of the Web Drive Condos.
What are the three most important factors to consider when choosing a real estate agent?
So when choosing a real estate professional to work with, you want to make sure you go with three things. First of all, you want to make sure you go with an agent who is local. Number two, you want to make sure you with an agent who is active and has a proven track record inside your area; and number three, my personal favourite, you want to go with an agent who offers something proprietary. What we do is we have a magazine that goes on to be distributed in over ten thousand condos around the City Centre area and aside from that, we also offer top positions on google so when someone searches for Mississauga condos or Mississauga condos for sale, they land on our first page.
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