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Trust No Accountant


Sanjeey Khatter, like many Canadians today, was in the dark as to how to file his taxes. Therefore he took on a tax preparer to assist him with his financial needs. What occurred after was an unfortunate mixture of poor judgment and severe carelessness.

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by MadanCA Team on February 10, 2016 @ 7:23 pm

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New Year Prediction for Property Sale in Canada

The Prairie sales forecast is also on the rise. Alberta and British Columbia are the provinces according to CREA, where its annual sales will supposedly rise as compared to the previous year. Prediction for National Activity: Next year, 2014, will witness national activity reach 465,600 units with a 3.5% rebound while keeping within its average … Continue reading New Year Prediction for Property Sale in Canada

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Why Should Corporations Consider Amalgamation or Merger?

An amalgamation, or merger, involves combining two or more corporations into one entity. Amalgamations are sometimes performed during purchase of a business and also often as part of reorganization. This article discusses the many advantages of amalgamation. Advantage #1: Synergy Amalgamation of multiples companies into one entity can result in greater success due to increase … Continue reading Why Should Corporations Consider Amalgamation or Merger?

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What You Need to Do For Personal Service Business

The Final Nail in the Coffin for Personal Service Business? What You Can Do to Fight Back Tax advantages and deferrals amongst corporations is nothing new, so it is no surprise that Bill C-48 which received royal assent on June 26, 2013 would have looming implications for many businesses including personal service businesses (PSB). This … Continue reading What You Need to Do For Personal Service Business

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How to Complete Form T2125 for a Sole Proprietor

With tax season rapidly approaching everyone wants to know the most efficient way to complete their taxes. While getting taxes done quickly is beneficial to most, you could miss out on important savings that may be available. Through this quick tax tutorial designed for business owners, one can expect to learn which form to complete … Continue reading How to Complete Form T2125 for a Sole Proprietor

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Unique Tax Ideas for Small Businesses

Every serious entrepreneur understands that cash is the bloodline of their business. While they look at all areas of operation for ways to cut costs and protect their cash flow, they should be aware that smart tax planning can greatly assist their business. Below, I have explained unique tax ideas that you, as a small … Continue reading Unique Tax Ideas for Small Businesses

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Do non-residents of Canada pay capital gains tax?

Non-residents of Canada are required to pay tax on capital gains resulting from the sale of Canadian real estate. Failure to do so can result in huge penalties levied by the CRA. Sale of Canadian Real Estate by Non-residents of Canada Under Section 116 of the Income Tax Act, non residents who sell Canadian real … Continue reading Do non-residents of Canada pay capital gains tax?

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What tax refunds and benefits am I eligible for?

Understanding Your Benefits and What Tax Refunds You Are Eligible For: The Simple Guide to Improving Your Economic Well-being Benjamin Franklin once said “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. His point remains as relevant today as it was in the 18th century, everybody hates taxes (except the … Continue reading What tax refunds and benefits am I eligible for?

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Minimizing Capital Gains Tax

A lot of people pay way more tax more than they need to on net capital gains. Most people do not realize there are a few ways to reduce and sometimes eliminate capital gains altogether. In this article I will talk about a few different, but simple ways you can reduce your capital gains tax … Continue reading Minimizing Capital Gains Tax

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Non-Residents Earning Rental Income from Real Estate in Canada

Non Residents of Canada earning rental income from Canadian real estate have Canadian tax obligations. This article identifies the different forms and returns that can be or are mandatory to be filed with the CRA regarding the rental income earned. Background When non-residents receive rental income from real property in Canada, taxes on the income … Continue reading Non-Residents Earning Rental Income from Real Estate in Canada

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Why You Should Not Outsource Business Accounting Services in Mississauga / Toronto

Today, companies are outsourcing to lower cost countries such as India and China.  The question is: “Should your Company outsource business accounting services?” Argument for Outsourcing Business Accounting Services in Mississauga or Toronto The argument for outsourcing business accounting services is that it is less expensive to perform these services in Indian and China than … Continue reading Why You Should Not Outsource Business Accounting Services in Mississauga / Toronto

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