Do you own stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other marketable securities? Are you looking to get a tax advantage from selling money losing investments? Tax-loss selling may just be the tax strategy that is right for you!
Want to know how to make your mortgage interest tax deductible? Find out out how to write-off your mortgage interest expenses for tax saving purposes!
INTRODUCTION This article provides an in-depth review of PREPARING THE FINAL RETURN OF A DECEASED PERSON in Canada, including taxation of: Dividends & interest Employment income Old Age Security Canada or Quebec Pension Benefits Pension Income Splitting Employment Insurance Investment Income Rental Income Death Benefit RPP, RRSP, RRIF Tax Deductions When an individual passes away, … Continue reading How to Prepare Final Return of A Deceased Person in Canada
Much of the political rhetoric surrounding the Liberal Party’s win in the Canadian Federal election was centred on this notion of ‘change’, a promise of progressive changes that Canada needs in order to escape from the shadows of its Conservative predecessor. While looming issues such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Trans Pacific … Continue reading Why Canada Needs Corporate Tax Reform
Corporate class funds can be a very tax-efficient investment vehicle, particularly in Canada. Investing in these funds and holding them inside of a corporation can protect and defer you from significant tax implications.
The death of a loved one is often a trying time for family and friends. This could make filing a final tax return for the deceased a daunting, emotional and often even frustrating task for family and friends still coping with the tragic loss. With that being said, this article is meant to ease this … Continue reading Tax guide for legal representatives of deceased members.
When you start renting out your primary residence, it’s important to be aware of the various tax and interest implications. You can still deduct your mortgage and home equity line of credit interest. Continue reading to find out how.
With the Canadian Federal Election coming up, it’s important to know where the three main parties stand in regards to both personal and corporate tax.
Business owners looking to save tax, and protect their assets should read this. In this article, I will briefly explain how a corporate life insurance policy can be used to reduce taxes and creditor proof assets.
Are you a Canadian who has a temporary work assignment in the United States? If yes, then this video is for you. Keep reading to be aware of the relevant tax issues, including how to avoid double taxation.
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