How Is Investment Income Taxed? Watch Video

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Mar 2, 2015

Keep reading to learn about how investment income is taxed to you personally, Read More…


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Comments 4

  1. Good day,
    Can I move ineligible dividends from my corporation into an RRSP without having to pay tax on the dividend?


  2. Okay, thanks for the response. For ex, lets say I took out 90k in dividends but moved 30k of that into RRSPs. I will only have to pay tax on 60k dividend?

    1. Hi J-T,
      Assuming that the taxable dividend is $90,000 and you claim an RRSP deduction for $30,000, then you will pay income tax on $60,000 – less dividend tax credit.


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