Medical credit for medical expenses paid by brother credit card

Hi Allan, I paid $6000 for tooth extraction, plant new and crown using my brother credit card. Can I claim medical credit for these $6K Thanks

Delaware LLC for canadian residents

Hello, I am a canadian resident & citizen wishing to partner with a non-canadian & non canadian resident individual to conduct e-commerce business. We were suggested to form an LLC partnership in Delaware. Assuming I would own 51% of the company: – Can the LLC be considered a parnership or coporation in the eyes of … Continue reading Delaware LLC for canadian residents

company has received a reassessment for additional HST owing relating to prior tax years

if I record this as an expense on income statement what expense account should I use and should I add it back when doing corporate tax on schedule 1

Due to shareholder

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Dividends on t2

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Filing corporation vs own taxes

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Personal services business

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