Income splitting as a non resident returning to canada

My wife and I have been non residents of Canada for 7 years. We are contemplating returning to Canada in the next few years. Most of our financial assets were initially earned by myself. Can I gift assets to my wife while a non resident so that when we return the income from the assets … Continue reading Income splitting as a non resident returning to canada

Treatment of Non resident taxpayers in Canada

How does the Canada deal with a nonr-esident taxpayer in relation to tax deductions as per their personal situation​, while the non resident only earns a part (e.g 70%) of his/her income in the country

Does purchasing a property with a corporation still qualify for principal residence exemption

Hello Allan, in one of your videos you talked about purchasing a principal residence using a corporation owned by the owner/main shareholder of the corporation for the person (and family) to live in. In that scenario does the property (purchased/owned by the corporation and inhabited by the owner) still qualify for the principal residence exemption … Continue reading Does purchasing a property with a corporation still qualify for principal residence exemption

Do i Need to fill T1135

Do I need to fill form T1135 if I have US ETF invested in Interactive brokers worth over 100k?

US tax return filing as ‘Married,filing jointly’

Hi, I am trying to file my USA tax return for year 2018.I got married in 2018.So I am trying to file taxes as ‘Married,filing jointly’.I worked in the usa with H1-B.But my husband never lived or worked in the USA,although he’s working in Canada. 1) Now,can I even file my taxes as ‘Married,filing jointly’ … Continue reading US tax return filing as ‘Married,filing jointly’

Do I have to show all the US balances in accounts while filing canada tax returns?

Hi Sir, I was in US for last 10 yrs, not used any services and not paid taxes here in canada.I returned back to canada now. Do I need to show all the account balances (like bank accounts, ESPP accts etc) while filing tax returns in Canada.? Thanks

As a Non Resident on TN-1 Visa, do i claim freelance income from canadian clients?

I’m a Canadian Non-Resident living and working in the states for a US company on a TN-1 Visa (close to 5 years now). When doing small freelance work for some clients back in Canada (earnings under 5k), do I need to file a tax return?

Factual Resident For Tax Filing

Hi. We recently moved to Canada as PR last January 2018. My employer is based in Hongkong and does not have business ties in Canada. I am working online as Data Process per on-demand basis. I am also required to travel every 6 months for 1-2 months back to Hongkong for Data consolidation and retraining. … Continue reading Factual Resident For Tax Filing

Non Resident Taxable income

Greetings.. Question 1. I’ve been living overseas as an expat for 19 years. My gross Canadian income from CPP & OAS benefits totals $17855. I have no other Canadian income. Per the NR4 my OAS Non-resident tax withheld was $2643.75. As for CPP no Non-resident tax withheld. Based on the minimum tax credit, do I … Continue reading Non Resident Taxable income

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I want to invest $1M. Assume return 5%. Shall I open a company to invest or just invest under my own name?

I would like to invest $1M. Assume return 5%. shall I open a new company to invest with the company just holding the investment? Will I need to pay the highest tax rate? Or I just invest under my own name assume I am in the highest tax bracket?

Relocating to US for work temporarily

I am moving to US for work for 3-4 years, however my wife plans to continue to stay in Canada. We own a house in Canada, and I plan to rent in US. Based on some research, I realized I will be treated a factual tax resident of Canada due to significant personal and financial … Continue reading Relocating to US for work temporarily

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