Employee Benefits in a Tax Free Country Watch Video

Allan Madan, CPA, CA
 Jul 27, 2015

If you temporarily relocate abroad for work, you may be entitled to numerous employee benefits. Read More…


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Comments 2

  1. Hi Allan,
    First of all great presentation. Thanks

    I plan to move to Egypt for a employer their. I own my house in Canada. My daughter will be in Canadian university and my wife and son will move 2 months later.

    Do I pay tax here? I will be back in Canada in 4 years. Can I send money to Canada without any redflags?

    1. Hello Santanu,
      Thank you for contacting me. Canada has a tax treaty with Egypt. According to the treaty, you will be a resident of the country where you have a permanent home. A permanent home can either be rented or owned. If you have a permanent home in both countries, then you will be a resident of the country where your personal and economic ties are strongest. Residents of Canada must pay tax to the CRA on their worldwide income.

      It appears that you plan on keeping your home in Canada while you live in Egypt. If this is correct, then you must examine all of your ties (personal and economic) to Canada and all of your ties to Egypt, as discussed above. Only after careful examination, can you determine where your ties are strongest.


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