what bank account do expenses that are partially personal come out of

Does my incorporated business pay for my personal vehicle gas, maintenance, insurance, business meals (only 50% write-off), and cell phones out of the business account or do I pay personally and then use receipts for write-off at the end of the year because these expenses are not usually 100 percent written off?

2023 TD1 Federal Form – line 7

Hello, I need help to fill TD1. My family is on Canadian PR. I am the only one earning and my wife is a homemaker (no income, but she is PR). Can I claim $15000 as amount on line 7 for 2023 federal TD1 form and can I also put my child as dependent and … Continue reading 2023 TD1 Federal Form – line 7

is a medical corporation a qualified small business corporation

Hi, I am a retired physician with a professional corporation (now for investment purposes only since I retired) and would like to know if such a corporation is a “qualified small business corporation” for CRA purposes. In other words, can we (me and my wife are shareholders) claim the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption? I tried … Continue reading is a medical corporation a qualified small business corporation

Mr Craig Gournier

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T2 Prior Adjustments

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