When you have a new business venture it can be difficult generating cash and capital. Luckily for you, there are a few options. The first option is through a shareholder loan, these loans can be repaid to you tax-free. The second option is generating capital by issuing shares.
There are a few reasons Canadian companies can choose to grant a loan. However, corporations need to be aware that lending to non-residents can lead to a requirement for the Canadian company to pay tax. Clearly, this situation is far from ideal. In this article, we will look at the tax implications of Canadian corporate … Continue reading Canadian corporate loans to non-residents
Taxation on gifts to family members can be tricky. Usually the recipient does not have to pay taxes but the person who gives the gift might face personal taxes. There are a couple of tips that you can take to minimize or avoid taxes such as not giving gifts that can increase in value.
Are you a dentist with a practice? If you are, you know there are few harder decisions than selling your business. After all, you have put your money and effort into building your reputation. There are also complications involving sales, such as finding a buyer and minimizing tax. Dentists simply cannot afford to sell without … Continue reading Tax Implications of Selling a Dental Practice in Ontario
I have previously discussed how the Foreign Accrual Property Income (FAPI) applies to Canadians who establish corporations in a different country. For my previous article, please visit What is the Foreign Accrual Property Income (FAPI) in Canada? . After reading the article, more shrewd readers may ask, “What if I create a corporation in a … Continue reading Foreign Accrual Property Income – Part 2
Are you wondering what are the tax benefits of a holding company? Setting up a holding company can provide you with some benefits. The first is that it provides creditor proof. The second benefit is that the holding company can be used for income splitting purposes thus reducing your overall tax liability.
There are many benefits that a corporation can gain from getting life insurance. It provides lump sum cash for the family members of the deceased. Another benefit is that it can also be used to protect profits from investments from tax.
So you want to know how can I lower my tax bill by income splitting with my spouse? Income splitting with a spouse is a very effective technique to reduce overall household tax liability. Some options within this technique involves letting the higher income spouse pay for all the house hold bills which frees the lower … Continue reading Lower Your Tax Bill: Income Splitting with Your Spouse
What tax-free benefits can I get from my workplace? Employees can receive benefits from their workplace and employers that are completely tax-free. Some common benefits include a loan from an employer to buy a home, medical and dental benefits, non-cash gifts, as well as education and training related costs.
While corporations have many benefits, there are also some drawbacks. Generally, losses incurred by your business can be offset by personal income. If you’re incorporated then these losses cannot offset.
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