All Blog Posts

  • Should I Declare a Year-End Bonus or Pay Dividends from Company Profits to Myself? Watch Video

    With the end of the year approaching, business owners must make important decisions quickly to reduce more

  • 2015 Year End Tax Strategies Watch Video

    2016 is just around the corner. Find out the 2015 tax savings strategies more

  • Transferring Capital Losses to a Spouse Watch Video

  • How to Write-Off Taxes from Your Home Renovation Expenses Watch Video

    Are you a senior or eligible for the disability tax credit? more

  • Charitable Donation Tax Credit Watch Video

    Are you looking to make a charitable donation? more

  • How to Use Tax-Loss Selling to Minimize Taxes Watch Video

    Do you own stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other marketable securities? more

  • How to Make Your Home Mortgage Tax Deductible in Canada Watch Video

    Want to know how to make your mortgage interest tax deductible? more

  • Tax Benefits of Corporate Class Funds Watch Video

    Corporate class funds can be a very tax-efficient investment vehicle, particularly in Canada. more

  • How to Save Money on a Primary Residence Changed into a Rental Property Watch Video

    When you start renting out your primary residence, it’s important to be aware of the various tax more

  • 2015 Canadian Federal Election and Taxes Watch Video

    With the Canadian Federal Election coming up, more

  • Free Online Tax Assessment

    Save on Personal Taxes with this Incredible tool!

    Save on thousands of dollars every year on personal taxes with this Incredible, FREE tool!



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