What rate of tax does a “Testamentary Trust” pay?

Testamentary trusts pay tax according to the progressive Canadian income tax rates applicable to individuals. In other words, a testamentary trust pays tax at individual tax rates. Note: A testamentary trust is formed automatically upon the death of an individual in Canada. In some circumstances, it can be more tax-advantageous to allow income to be … Continue reading What rate of tax does a “Testamentary Trust” pay?

Do I have to make payments on sales tax?

If on your last year’s HST return, you had a balance owing of $3,000 or more, you would have to make equal quarterly installment payments starting next fiscal year. Find below a sample installment schedule if your HST reporting period has a calendar year end. Fiscal quarters Installment due dates January 1 – March 31, … Continue reading Do I have to make payments on sales tax?

How do I amend my HST return?

If you’ve made an error in your HST filing, you will need to correct your HST return. You can do so by writing a letter to the CRA stating the corrections and the line numbers that needs to be corrected. Please note that you should not refile an HST return.  

What if my income increases and taxes payable rise?

Installment payments should be made based on the expected taxes owing. If the taxes owing are larger than what you expected them to be, and you were paying installments based on the expected amount, then you will be charged with installment interest (and if the interest is more than $1,000, penalties can be charged as … Continue reading What if my income increases and taxes payable rise?

How do I get a Social Insurance Number, which is required to be reported on tax returns?

To obtain a social insurance number, you have to apply in-person by visiting a Service Canada centre. You can find the address of the nearest centre to your location on the CRA website. To apply, you must take with you original proof-of-identity documents. These documents must prove your identity and status in Canada. For instance, … Continue reading How do I get a Social Insurance Number, which is required to be reported on tax returns?

Does HST have to be collected/paid on acupuncture treatment?

HST does not have to be charged/paid if the acupuncture treatment is performed by a qualified medical practitioner.  

What is the benefit of contributing to a spousal RRSP?

Contributing to a spousal RRSP is advantageous if you and your spouse/common-law partner have different income levels. This is because the spousal RRSP contributions allow spouses to split income more equally at retirement. The spouse who expects to have higher income at the time retirement should be the one to contribute to the spousal RRSP. … Continue reading What is the benefit of contributing to a spousal RRSP?

Can rent paid by a student for residence be claimed on the personal tax return?

No, the rental expense cannot be claimed as either a tax deduction or a tax credit. However, the student may be eligible for the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit if applicable criteria are met. This benefit is generally paid to low-to-moderate-income individuals of at least 18 years of age for paying rent or property … Continue reading Can rent paid by a student for residence be claimed on the personal tax return?

Have the CPP and EI max thresholds changed for 2014?

The maximum CPP contribution for 2014 is $2,425.50 for employee contribution and $4,851.00 for self-employed contribution. The maximum EI contribution to the plan for 2014 is $913.68.

Will I have to report any taxable benefit on the personal tax return for exercising employee stock options at a private corporation?

Generally, in the year the employee stock options are exercised, a taxable employment benefit equal to the difference between the exercise price and the fair market value of the stock on the date of the exercise has to be reported as income on the personal tax return. If shares of a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC)are … Continue reading Will I have to report any taxable benefit on the personal tax return for exercising employee stock options at a private corporation?

Can I automatically claim the family caregiver amount if I claim the caregiver amount?

Claiming the caregiver amount does not necessarily mean that you can claim the family caregiver amount as well. The family caregiver amount can only be claimed if the person you took care of has mental and/or physical impairment(s).

If a company leases a car for me, is it a taxable benefit? Is there a way for me to have my company simply pay for it?

Yes, there is a taxable benefit to you should your employer lease a car for you. These benefits are knows as the stand-by-charge and the operating cost benefit. The stand-by-charge means that you derive a benefit simply because the leased car is available for your use. The operating benefit is calculated based on the personal … Continue reading If a company leases a car for me, is it a taxable benefit? Is there a way for me to have my company simply pay for it?

I collected HST but didn’t register for an HST number on time, what should I do?

The CRA can only back-date your HST registration by 30 days. In order to request a registration date that is past 30 days, you should write a letter to the CRA detailing your reason for requesting such an old registration date. In addition, the CRA requires that you provide 5-6 invoices around the back dated … Continue reading I collected HST but didn’t register for an HST number on time, what should I do?

Can I charge any interest rate for a spousal loan?

To avoid attribution rules, you should ensure the interest rate is greater than or equal to the prescribed interest rate set by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The CRA adjusts the prescribed interest rate each quarter; you can find the appropriate interest rate here.  

Is there any way of waiving my fees for not filing my income taxes?

Question: I did not file my prior year tax return. This was my first year of operations and I was not aware of my filing responsibilities. As I understand, the CRA will charge interest and penalties for late filing and payment. Is there any way I can get these charges waived? Answer: Yes, we would … Continue reading Is there any way of waiving my fees for not filing my income taxes?

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