As a corporation doing business in Quebec for the first time, what do I need to know or do to get the necessary information to file a Quebec tax return?

Allan Madan, CA
 Nov 12, 2013


The corporation must be registered in Quebec’s enterprise register by obtaining a number from Revenu Quebec for income tax purposes. This number enables one to file the income tax return that all corporations carrying on a business in Québec are required to file. Complete the form LM-1-V, “Application for Registration to obtain Quebec ID”, or use ‘Registering for Revenue Quebec’ online to register.

You will be required to provide items such as Business Number, director(s) information, etc. You will then have to regularly check status of request, and once the number is obtained, you can file your Quebec tax return via certified software, Netfile or ‘My Account’. Note, if attempting to file tax return using my Netfile or My Account, then you will need to get an access code which can also be obtained on Revenu Quebec’s website.


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