Is there such a thing as a Chartered Accountant – Expert in Taxes?

Allan Madan, CA
 Dec 21, 2009


Yes, there are Chartered Accountants in Toronto who are also Experts in Taxes.

Allan Madan of Madan Chartered Accountant in Toronto is a Tax Expert:

  • He has completed Parts 1 and 2 of the Canadian In Depth Tax Course, which is the most comprehensive tax training in Canada
  • He has held several tax seminars, including “Taxation for Real Estate Investors” and “Tax Topics for Bookkeepers”
  • Allan has been involved in many complex, tax reorganization transactions for Canadian companies
  • He has written and published several tax articles
  • Allan is also a Chartered Accountant in Toronto / Mississauga

Ask Questions of your Chartered Accountant in Toronto

If you’re unsure of whether your Chartered Accountant in Toronto is a tax expert, you should ask him/her about their tax related experience including, tax education, tax articles he/she has published and years of experience in the area of taxation.

Hire a Chartered Accountant in Toronto who is a Tax Expert

You should hire a Chartered Accountant in Toronto that is a Tax Expert, because he/she will be aware of tax strategies to minimize your and your company’s taxes.  This is very important, so that you don’t pay more in tax than you should.  In fact, the highest tax rate for an individual residing in Ontario is 46.4%!

Chartered Accountants in Toronto who are also tax experts charge reasonable fees.  While fees are an important consideration in the selection a Chartered Accountant in Toronto, the tax savings you realize from a Tax Expert should more than offset the fees that you pay him/her.


The information provided on this page is intended to provide general information. The information does not take into account your personal situation and is not intended to be used without consultation from accounting and financial professionals. Allan Madan and Madan Chartered Accountant will not be held liable for any problems that arise from the usage of the information provided on this page.

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